After Kai, Peter, and I checked into the hotel, we immediately assessed our device and determined what needed adjustments/fixing. It ends up quite a bit of reworking on the device was necessary, so Kai hunkered down for some serious programing and debugging.
In case you are not aware of what our device actually is, click here. This is our submission for the semifinals of NEDC - it gives a nice overview of our product.
The glove itself was not finished, so Peter's mom, my mom, and I went to the mall to find supplies - cloth and sewing kit. The NEDC is located in the perfect place - literally 5 minutes away from a mall, the metro, and a kinkos.
When we got back Peter and Kai were still at work on the programming. The fact the device was not ready and didn't even work was concerning. Kai and Peter eventually figured out that the input and output were plugged in the wrong places, but there were still bugs that needed to be worked through.
Unfortunately, I am not much of a programmer, so I hung out in my hotel room and practiced what I do know - violin - until the programming was completed enough so I could work on the glove.
After about an hour, we decided to go grab some dinner and then continue to work on our device. While we waited for Trevor to show up, Peter, Kai, and I chatted via skype in the hotel's lobby with an OHS alumni who graduated a year early. It was great catching up with her.

I told the guys to "act normal and chat amongst themselves." Not quite sure what Kai finds so hilarious.
When we got back from dinner, we immediately worked on our presentation and our device. I finished the glove, which basically included sewing the disk motors in place and repairing some of the seams.
Kai got a better program running and continued to improve it. Eventually Sophia should up and very enthusiastically gave us hugs. Peter and Trevor reviewed her papers for the poster board and corrected mistakes.
After I finished the glove, I took Sophia for a brisk walk in order to give the boys peace and burn off some of her energy. When we returned they were still working, so I turned in for the night.
Kai got a better program running and continued to improve it. Eventually Sophia should up and very enthusiastically gave us hugs. Peter and Trevor reviewed her papers for the poster board and corrected mistakes.
After I finished the glove, I took Sophia for a brisk walk in order to give the boys peace and burn off some of her energy. When we returned they were still working, so I turned in for the night.