OK, all you nonexistent friends who read my blog with whole-hearted devotion. I'm going to Washington DC tomorrow for the Junior Engineering Technical Society's (JETS) National Design Engineering Competition (NEDC). I plan to update this blog with pictures and words while on the trip.
The past few weeks have been crazy. I would liken it to a death spiral, except instead of spiraling downward it goes upward, culminating in the NEDC Adventure with little plastic models of thumbalina, ramen noodles, and all the horrendous mementos from my childhood swirling around me, representing the everlasting circle of eat, homework, practice violin, and sleep.
(Please forgive my weird, sarcastic, and cynical descriptions. I've been sick and I'm just getting better. I think the evil little viruses have concentrated their missiles on a few of my precocious brain cells.)
Today mom and I sashayed our way to the Banana Republic for a little last minute shopping. I had a suit, but no shirt. The problem with Banana Republic is that there definition of "color" is a small splash of pink mixed with tonal greys and purples and tans. I'm as white as wonderbread, so bolder colors look better on my skin. Eventually, we found a top. It's blue and white, almost just like the shirt I bought with the suit years ago for my Bat Mitzvah.
I have to pack tonight, which I've barely started (DON'T tell my mum!), but that's OK since I'm a master at last minute tasks. Though secretly I'm masking a gnawing worry since mom and I leave tomorrow at 5 am.... no time at all to think of forgotten items...
I'm going to run. Mom knows I haven't started packing.
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